That was a long time-out... / by Carolyn Wright

Those of you who read this blog are aware that it’s not unusual for me to go for a stretch between posts.  Mostly, it is just that life distracts me, and then I feel guilty for not posting and that guilt pushes me to procrastinate even more (anyone out there who can relate?).  

This time it’s different.  This time, I have a real, honest-to-goodness excuse.

“Daylilies”, the first painting in my Concussion Series. This was before the deer ate the lilies…

“Daylilies”, the first painting in my Concussion Series. This was before the deer ate the lilies…

On May 13, I sustained a severe concussion.  Just an accident in the home, involving a puppy and the corner of the coffee table.  At the time, I had no idea how long it would take to approach a normal life again.

It was seven weeks before I could pick up a paint brush. 

And even then, it needed to be very simplified.  There was only stamina for about half an hour of painting.  Decisions -- type of paint, colors, paper, subject matter -- had to be made ahead of time.  

The art that resulted is a radical departure from any I’ve done before.  Plein aire watercolor sketches of the world directly around me, they have an immediate and ethereal quality.  I did about one a week. They are called the Concussion Series. There are thirteen of them, two have sold already.

Today, I was officially discharged from my last vision therapy, begun due to the damage from the concussion.  Though still not completely healed, I am most of the way there. Far enough along to declare that I have painted the last of the Concussion Series, and am now ready for what’s next on the horizon.